The Public Leadership programme at VU University Amsterdam brings together academic knowledge, your own practical experience and personal leadership development in lectures, reflections and peer review. As a participant, you will develop a broader and deeper leadership and action perspective through knowledge and insight into public management.
Every year, since 2014, ICODA European Affairs organises the EU modules in Brussels for this programme.
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Prof Gerda van Dijk, core lecturer of the programme, Professor of Public Leadership: "There is no single solution to complex issues. This also means that success in one situation does not guarantee success in the next issue. Above all, leaders must be able to deal with complexity: not by oversimplifying it but rather seeing it as the starting point for their action strategies."
Public Leadership in brief:
Duration: Six two-day modules with an evening programme in between, spread over 10 months
Start: September 2023 directly to programme
Cost: €12,300, excluding accommodation costs (optional during modules 2 to 5; compulsory during modules 1 and 3 (Brussels))
For whom: The programme is designed for managers and professionals in the public sector with the necessary experience and leadership qualities, who are looking for a further deepening in public management that challenges, surprises and pushes their boundaries. In day-to-day practice, they find that too little.
What does Public Leadership get you? You develop your theoretical knowledge of public leadership and public management. We distinguish a number of knowledge areas such as leadership theory, organisational ecology, strategy development, change management, ethics and value creation, public governance, public finance & control, EU as a strategic factor. learn to use existing leadership models and theories critically and in a well-considered way. develop your ability and skills to deal with complexity and continuous change become aware of ethics and responsibility as a leader develop your self-knowledge and reflection learn to inspire others.
Organisations from which participants have previously taken part in the Public Leadership programme: Woonzorg Brabant , Amarant group, various municipalities, UWV, Talis, Rijkswaterstaat, RIVM, Port of Amsterdam, Iris zorg, HVC group, Ministry of VWS, UMC Groningen, Hoogheemraadschap Noord Holland, CAK, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Rechtbank Gelderland, Ministry of Finance, JP van de Bent foundation, CBR, Hogeschool Rotterdam, Waterschap Hollandse Delta