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Top class of the Erasmus University Rotterdam


Top Class (Erasmus for Healthcare Governance) is the management development programme for strategic managers/directors and medics with managerial ambitions. Topical and proprietary governance issues receive attention. Participants gain insight into the contemporary requirements for directors in the healthcare sector, in relation to their own competences.

Every year, ICODA European Affairs organises the study tour and EU modules in Brussels.

Target group

Managers of divisions/clusters/services and administrative medics. Participants have an academic or college background with heavy further education, fulfil a management function of considerable size and severity and are ready for the next step in their career: a final responsible position.

Programme structure

The programme is a combination of plenary sessions, working in small groups and individual activities. Besides substantive knowledge transfer, attention is paid to skills such as debating, persuading and presenting. Programme components include an assessment, lectures, elective modules, intervision, an internship at another organisation and discussions with a personal coach.

For more information and dates, see

+32 2 881 03 30

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Scepterstraat 41
1050 Brussels


Meeting rooms

Scepterstraat 63 A

1050 Brussels


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Scepterstraat 40

1050 Elsene

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