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Tailor-made for your organization

As a company or organization it is very important to be well informed about what is going on in the European Union and its impact on your field. A working visit to the European Union and its impact on your field. A working visit to Brussels can be invaluable in this respect. ICODA European Affairs offers this option tailored to your organisation.

ICODA has extensive knowledge and a large network in Brussels. This enables them to organize a tailor-made working visit for your organization, including the best guest speakers. This allows your employees to gain optimal knowledge about the EU and the latest developments in your field in a short period of time.

The working visit to Brussels offers your organization the opportunity to come into direct contact with European policymakers and stakeholders. This gives you a better insight into the political and economic developments and you can adjust your organization accordingly.


Moreover, the working visit offers your employees the opportunity to be inspired by the dynamic and international environment of Brussels. This can lead to new insights and ideas that can take your organization further.


ICODA European Affairs organizes the working visit down to the last detail for your organisation. From putting together the program,   providing speakers, to arranging the logistics. of valuable contacts.

In short, a tailor-made working visit to Brussels is an excellent way for an organization to stay abreast of the latest developments within the EU and your field. ICODA European Affairs is ready to make this possible.



The EU Master Class

As an organisation, it is important to be aware of the policies of the European Union and their impact on your business operations. But how do you get a good understanding of what's going on and when?

The EU Masterclass offers a solution. This two-day training enables your organization to become acquainted with the EU and its extensive powers. You will not only learn about EU decision-making and legislation, but also about the different institutions involved.

The training is given by experienced professionals with extensive knowledge of the EU. They share their expertise and experience with you, and provide you with insight into the most important topics and developments in the EU. Attention is also paid to practical matters, such as the different ways of influencing EU policy.

The EU Masterclass is not only relevant for organizations dealing with European issues, but for anyone interested in the functioning of the EU and its impact on society.

The famous Chinese proverb says, "Give a man a fish and he will feed for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will feed for a lifetime."


The EU Masterclass gives your organization the tools and knowledge to learn how to fish in the complex world of the EU and its policies. This enables you to be successful in the long term and to optimize your business operations.

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One-on-one guidance

Adding 'Europe' to your tasks is a great challenge and responsibility. But how can you make sure you get the most out of your time in Brussels and that your organization gets the most out of your presence there?

An EU coach can guide you professionally. Together with you, the coach looks at what is going on for your company or organization on the Brussels playing field and ensures that you are well prepared to successfully perform your new tasks.

During one-on-one sessions with your EU coach you will gain insight into the most important developments within the EU and how they can affect your organisation. You will learn how to communicate effectively with the right officials and learn how to take full advantage of the opportunities that Brussels offers.

Your EU coach will introduce you to the right officials and show you around the EU institutions and relevant umbrella organizations in Brussels, so that you quickly feel at home with the European institutions. You will also receive practical tips on navigating the complex world of EU regulation and policy making.

In short, with the professional guidance of an EU coach you can face your new challenges and responsibilities as an 'EU man' with confidence. You can be sure that you will make the most of your time in Brussels and that your organization will reap the benefits of your knowledge and experience. So contact an EU coach today and start working on your new challenges!

+32 2 881 03 30

Main office
Scepterstraat 41
1050 Brussels


Meeting rooms

Scepterstraat 63 A

1050 Brussels

Registered office

Scepterstraat 40

1050 Brussels


©2019 by ICODA European Affairs

RPR Brussels BE 0897544958


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